Significance by Shelly Crane (Significance series #1) (ARC)

Significance (Significance, #1)Significance by Shelly Crane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is brilliant!

At first, I had my doubts since the beginning is a bit slow and it felt like your average teenage drama. But, as soon as the supernatural is introduced the story picks up and everything is way more exciting. The plot is actually quite intense and the whole villan family thing really puts a twist on things. I really also like that sex is constantly talked about, I mean the main characters are teenagers, but sex is not the driving point in the story and it is actually common for Aces to wait until marriage to have sex. This gives a very refreshing air to this book.
The characters are also great. Maggie, of course, as the main female lead is who we learn the most about and I quire like her. I also really like Caleb, but the other characters like Kyle, although he is suppose to be one of the good guys, I don’t like that much at all. He is just an asshole really. I like how Maggie’s dad grows within the story although he still isn’t a super dad by any means.
All in all, this is a great book and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

*ARC received from publisher via NetGalley

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